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Uniformat II WBS Code.
[ Download from this server (1.23 Mb) ] 19.07.2012, 19:59
This is the seventh in a series of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
reports on recommended standards related to applying economic evaluation methods to
building decisions.
  The first four dealt with the theory and application of economic
methods of analysis, including life-cycle costing, net benefits, benefit-to-cost and
savings-to-investment ratios, internal rate of return, and payback.  These reports were
used as the bases for standard practices published by the American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM).  The fifth NIST report was a recommended guide that focused on
techniques that account for uncertainty in project input values and techniques that
measure the risk that a project will have a less favorable economic outcome than what is
desired or expected.  ASTM used it as the basis for a standard guide for selecting among
techniques for handling uncertainty and risk in project evaluation.  The sixth NIST report
was a recommended classification of building elements, UNIFORMAT II, for ensuring
consistency in the format used for reporting the economic evaluation of projects over
time and from project to project.  ASTM used the report as the basis for a standard
classification of building and site-related elements.
Category: Standards | Added by: Vladimir | Tags: Uniformat II WBS, ASTM, American Society for Testing and Ma, NIST, Code
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